The reality hangover.
I don't drink much bc I can't tolerate hangovers...turns out, it doesn't take alcohol.
Tequilla with limes and water.
That’s it. The only adult beverage I can drink without suffering an obnoxious hangover the following day. I think most tequila is distilled two times over and lacks fusel oil and methanol…also, I’ve heard there is caffeine in tequila?!?
Notify the fact checkers. Actually don’t do that.
You know where else you’ll find hangovers…
In real life adulting.
Have you ever made a life altering decision that backfired, gone out on a whim to help someone who stone walled you, spoken your truth about a sensitive subject and then were ostracized, ….or say…told a 10 year old that Santa isn’t real?
The hangover is REAL, real.
Separate right from wrong a moment and just think back to a time where you were called to be honest and then the pain of speaking the truth left you with a sour tummy. I’d almost prefer a box of wine hangover over this.
So it happened as the universe said it should. Thursday night Beau was reading a book he chose from Barnes & Noble (if only it had been YOLKED…) titled “3000 Questions About Me”. I’ve read through many of these questions myself and there are some solid ice breakers in there, a few dumb ones, and apparently the mothership: At what age did you find out Santa wasn’t real?
Beau (from the bathroom): “Mom get innnnnnn hereeeeeee!”
Me: “What is it?”
Beau: “You better tell me the truth. Why is this question in here? What is this? What does this mean?”
((The narrator would like to add that this was the 3rd time in 24 hours we’d beat around the is Santa real bush…and yes, I know it’s June. Welcome to my life.))
Me: “Oh Beau. What do YOU think it means?”
Beau: “Tell me the truth. Is Santa real?”
Me: …shrugging and mumbling something like I believe in my heart that he is real. The belief is what matters. The idea of hope and joy and magic…
Beau: “Are you telling me I wrote letters to nobody? Who read those? You? Are you Santa? Wait, are we rich?”
Me: “Okay well parents are always listening around the holidays to hear what it is you want from Santa, that’s why parents are working so hard leading up to Christmas, so yes and I mean, I’ve been dreading this day since you were born. I’m sorry. Also, no. That’s a hard no on ‘rich’.”
Beau: “I can’t believe you’ve been lying to me this whole time.”
Me: “I said the same thing to my mom”.
Beau: “Wow mom, wow. You can leave now. I need to call Mimi when I’m done in here.”
So I assumed the worst of it was over. Mimi would fix it.
Who assumes?
After his shower, teeth brushing, face washing, dog chasing through the upstairs while dragging along Mimi (my mom) on FaceTime rehashing all the uncomfortable details…he stops in his tracks “wait, so the Easter Bunny? Is that not real? I shrugged again.
He hangs up on Mimi without a goodbye.
This time full on hysterical crying. I hugged him and he pushed me away and went to his room.
I was gutted. Did I tell him too soon? He’s 10. He looks 14 but he is only 10 - how much longer can this go on? What if his world view is broken now? What if he has trust issues moving forward..what if this leaves an even bigger HANGOVER for us both? Whyyyy are we all lying to children! lol
Exhausted. Everyone went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up with a reality hangover. Just kinda bummed. Beau was okay…less joyful for sure. I taught my classes and saw my clients but where I gathered the most comfort was on a long walk with Mimi and Moose. Movement and talk therapy are reliably cathartic for me. (Ya’ll remember when I offered “Walk-n-Talks”? Maybe we bring those back.)
Where and whom do you turn to when life does it’s roller coaster thing?
My hope is that you have people and practices in place that are unconditionally supportive; Breath work, meditation, prayer, family members, partners, a practice that grounds you to the essence of who you are because it is inevitable that you will need them. We don’t choose all the hurdles we face in this life. Some we create ourselves. No matter the reason as to why we face them, it’s the surviving and persevering that counts.
Relying on yourself is bold and honorable yet loving yourself enough to accept help from other people or supportive practices is just plain smart.
Wishing you zero hangovers now and forever.
ps. Classes this week:
* Tuesday (today) QUICKIE YOGA 12-12:30pm pst. $10. This is a well rounded, accessible yoga flow paired with music that includes mobility work and a 5 minute savasana. It’s meant to be a community offering at $10 a class and if you need financial assistance, just reach out. Hope to see you soon. Sign up here.
* Saturday FULL BODY STRENGTH 7:30-8am pst. $20. This is part of my JUNE FIT program but open for anyone to drop in. The group energy is excellent and we begin with CARs, strength train and sweat it out with friends. Bring a glute loop/resistance band, lighter and heavier weights. Sign up here.
* Saturday AVIATOR NATION YOGA FLOW 9-10am, 10:15-11:15am.
In person, in Santa Monica. Come on out. Sign up here.
* Sunday KINSTRETCH 9-10am pst. $20. This is a 60 minute joint specific training that acts as the flossing of your joints, the veggies of all healthy movement. We do the CARS routine, strength train different joints each week, and end with breathwork. Sign up here.
* Sunday AVIATOR NATION YOGA FLOW. 10:45-11:45am. In person, in Santa Monica. Come on out. Sign up here.
pps. Heads up re: July…I will not be offering my monthly strength group in July as I’ll be in Tulum for a week at the beginning of July and then in South Africa for a week at the end of July. With only 2 consecutive weeks in LA, I’ll be offering stand alone weekly STRENGTH classes.
Monday is lower body 6:30am pst, Wednesday is upper body 6:30am pst, Friday is yoga flow 6:30am pst, and Saturday is full body 7:30am pst. Quickie and Kinstretch are on as usual. I’ve dropped the price to $12 a class for those strength sessions and I truly hope to see you there! They are on the schedule now, feel free to book in. We will resume August Fit 2023 in August.
ppps. Check out my FREE on demand classes to sample a few different styles and formats available on There are a few to choose from and a full CARs routine as well. Let me know if you have any questions and hope to see you online/in class one day soon.
pppps. If you have a school, community group, summer camp for little humans and you’d like me to come read my best selling children’s book YOLKED, please reach out. This little story lights me up and it’s an important message for our youth. Stay curious, trust your intuition and be bold!! Grab a copy here …oh and if you could leave a glowing 5 star review that would be even cooler. Thank you so much.